
Avery Partners offers a unique insight into your organization, allowing you to better make informed decisions regarding promotions, job-realignment, and staffing needs.

A thorough review of your organization’s goals, objectives, and current structure are the first steps to determining your appropriate staffing levels, staffing alignment, job functions and their distribution. This will promote a successful and satisfied staff.

In order to identify and create a more effective staff, retain key personnel, and determine appropriate job functions, Avery Partners provides an on-site organizational assessment. Within the context of the goals and objectives of your organization, we will interview each key employee to determine their skills, abilities and interests, analyze their goals and objectives, and then complete a skill-set and capabilities review.

Upon completion of this review, we will provide your organization with answers to the following questions:

  • Are the staffing levels appropriate?
  • Are the appropriate skill level and capabilities present in your staff in relation to their job description?
  • Are your employees engaged and committed to your organization?
  • What are the key drivers of employee engagement, and does the company culture support them?
  • Are the job functions realistic, and is there a fit between job function and talent assigned to the job?
  • What are the strengths and developmental needs for each employee interviewed?
  • What are the training needs for your organization?
  • How can work flow processes be improved?

Avery Partners can then deliver an assessment that will allow you to understand your employee complement, and determine the structure that will be most effective for your organization to succeed in today’s environment. We will assist in restructuring work flow processes, realigning job descriptions and functions, identify employees best suited for the needs of your organization, determine which employees need additional training, and find those not suited for your organization. In the event of an interim or permanent need for talent, we will assist in making placement for any key position with your goals and objectives in mind.

Avery Partners is able to partner with your organization to address your goals and objectives by assessing key talent, planning restructure for reduction or growth, and creating a plan that will prepare your organization to meet your future needs.